How to teach my dog the "Sit" command? (video)

Dear visitors,

The second poll winner is "How to teach my dog the SIT command". We are going back to the basics :)

Statistic 2

   Every dog obedience starts with this command. Its essential mechanics are used for the next commands like 'lay down', 'stay' and 'heel'. 

   The methods described are applicable for puppies with the baby approach and for more advanced dogs with the expert techniques.

Remember: Always play with your dog and accept your responsibility to show your dog first how to do it. There is no room for negative emotions and DO NOT get angry. If you experience trouble spare some time with your local proffesional dog trainers.


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Tip: before giving the bowl with food try to tell your dog to sit and only after that give the food. This not only teaches the "sit" command but also works on the bond with your dog and makes you the leader. 

Best regards,


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